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The gear collection

More than 580 pieces of gear are available in vRigger. You'll find ascenders and anchors, bolts and brake bars, carabiners and chairlifts, edge protectors and eyes, figure 8s and fire engines, Grillons and Grigris, I'Ds and ice screws, lampposts and loads—you get the idea.

And if vRigger doesn't have the gear you need, you can add the gear to vRigger yourself or request that it is added to a future version of vRigger.

The basic vRigger software includes 399 pieces of rigging gear.

You can purchase 182 additional items for only $69.95.

Learn about the additional gear kit.

vRigger is being used to create rigging illustration by people in more than 100 countries.

There are 30 free training videos that will help you get the most out of vRigger.

Sample Illustrations Created by vRigger Customers

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List of vRigger gear

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