To learn which version you own, choose "Check for Updates" on RescueRigger's Gear (or Insert) toolbar.
Version 1.0b - 07/07/03
Added a Tripod.
Reduced the need for the "ambiguity" menu when you click on small gear that is on top
of larger gear.
Improved the message that appears when you drop a rope on an item that cannot directly attach to
rope (e.g., dropping webbing on a brake-bar-rack).
Version 1.0b - 05/26/03
Added Undo/Redo commands.
Decreased the time it takes to open a file.
Revision History to Help menu.
Added License Keys.
Version 1.0a - BETA - 05/05/03
Added a
Check for Updates command.
Made hundreds of changes from the previous (beta) version. Major changes include (1) dragging of
linked gear (using the Ctrl key), (2) floating gear on ropes (using the Ctrl key), (3) more realistic
webbing, and (4) a new Options dialog.